A really fun use of simple visual effects from David Bertram for the band BICEP.
Feels similar to these other videos for Bonobo, from Oscar Hudson and Bison respectively, using space creatively and vfx to explore time and perception, and mental health in interesting ways.
When I received Bicep’s song, ‘Saku’, I was struck by two things. The first was the contrast between this sense of urgency conveyed by the beat and the tempo, and the dreamlike floating voices and synths. There’s a very interesting paradox in this song, which is an excellent starting point for a filmmaker. The second is this continuous tone that lasts throughout the whole track, held by the background voice that can be heard behind the instruments.
“The latter immediately led me to a desire for continuous movement, like a train on rails, a line that never stops moving forward. That’s how I came up with the idea of a single take.
Director David Bertram, speaking about the song as inspiration for the video.
Bonobo - No Reason Directed by Oscar Hudson.
Bonobo - Kerala Directed by Bison.